Friday, May 17, 2013

School In A Perfect World

School today is pretty decent. I enjoy going to school and talking to people about just life stuff. I like how the math class is very social, but sometimes it seems to open. The computer class is very helpful in our technologically expanding world. The one on one help that my computer teacher gives us, is very helpful and is what I learn from the most. If I could create the school differently, this is how it would go.
 The first thing I would change is making the make-up work easier to get done for the kids who missed school because they really were sick because the last thing a kid who is sick needs to be thinking about is getting work done. I would leave the decision of how much make-up work to cut, up to the teacher's opinion on whether the child gets their work done in a timely fashion on a regular basis. I would also let the teacher asses how reliable the student's word is. This is how I would minimize make-up work for students out sick.
 The last thing I would change is getting rid of the perfect attendance rule. I absolutely do not like this rule because it teaches kids to come to school when they are sick. The school tells kids to not spread germs, but they also reward the kids who come to school and do spread germs. Not only does the school reward the students getting others sick, but they also don't do anything for the kids who were actually responsible. I can't stand perfect attendance awards because it puts children in a spot to put their and other's health at risk for some cheaper Blazer tickets.

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