Thursday, May 30, 2013

High School Advice

High school can be a scary time in a person's life. For my school assignment I had to go home and ask my parents for some advice to help me through high school. I got home and discussed some things to be aware of when I go to high school. They told me I do all of the things needed all ready, but there were a couple of things that would help.
 The first thing that my mom told me was to work really hard my first year. She said that this would help me later on in high school because I wouldn't have to do as much my junior and senior year. This came as great advice to me because I would like to be able to enjoy being a senior and just relish in it. I will definitely try to do this as much as the school allows me to.
 Later, I asked my dad for some advice and he gave me some positive feed back. He told me that I need to keep the work ethic that I have and keep doing my best in everything I do. This put me to ease knowing that I already do it and I am on the right track. The next thing he told me was that I need to understand that it is okay not to get straight A's when I'm doing sports because a B is still a good passing grade. This was also a relief because it took the feeling like I had to do perfect on everything off my shoulders, which will help me just enjoy high school.


Friday, May 17, 2013

School In A Perfect World

School today is pretty decent. I enjoy going to school and talking to people about just life stuff. I like how the math class is very social, but sometimes it seems to open. The computer class is very helpful in our technologically expanding world. The one on one help that my computer teacher gives us, is very helpful and is what I learn from the most. If I could create the school differently, this is how it would go.
 The first thing I would change is making the make-up work easier to get done for the kids who missed school because they really were sick because the last thing a kid who is sick needs to be thinking about is getting work done. I would leave the decision of how much make-up work to cut, up to the teacher's opinion on whether the child gets their work done in a timely fashion on a regular basis. I would also let the teacher asses how reliable the student's word is. This is how I would minimize make-up work for students out sick.
 The last thing I would change is getting rid of the perfect attendance rule. I absolutely do not like this rule because it teaches kids to come to school when they are sick. The school tells kids to not spread germs, but they also reward the kids who come to school and do spread germs. Not only does the school reward the students getting others sick, but they also don't do anything for the kids who were actually responsible. I can't stand perfect attendance awards because it puts children in a spot to put their and other's health at risk for some cheaper Blazer tickets.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I believe that we can learn things from our failures

          I believe that people who lose and say to themselves that they are losers, are the real losers. I think that losing is one of the most important things in life to encounter. The reason I think this way is because you are going to lose sometime in your life, so why not find the positive in the loss than always look for the negative.
          People who have lost a lot and choose to get back up are the real winners. I mean they have clearly learned to overcome the adversity of a loss, but the so called winners clearly haven't. If you win something, the feeling is great, but do you learn anything from succeeding once? No, of course not. The things you learn from are the things you did wrong.
          The question at hand is, is that if we always win, how will we become better to beat the person who has learned from their mistakes and has overcome adversity? The clear answer is, YOU HAVE TO LOSE at least sometime in your life!!!!! Learing this skill is very hard to understand, but is crucial. I believe that all individuals have to power to overcome losing and can learn from their mistakes.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Best blog ever

EVERYONE, go check out my home dog, Nick Harris's blog. You can find the latest on all of the basketball news. Hit him up at, you will be glad you did!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Breast Cancer

My favorite teacher, Mrs. Latz, has a brother that was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). For an assignment in my computer class we are supposed to come up with 5 facts on a disease and how you can raise awareness or help someone you know who lives with it. My disease that I chose to research is Breast Cancer.

                                    5 facts on Breast Cancer

  1.   The youngest known survivor of breast cancer is Aleisha Hunter from Ontario, Canada. At only three years old, Aleisha underwent a complete mastectomy in 2010 to treat her juvenile strain of breast cancer.
  2.    Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among American women after skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. 
  3.    The first operation to use anesthesia was a breast cancer surgery.
  4.    The incidence of breast cancer is highest in more developed countries and lowest in less developed countries.
  5.    The left breast is statistically more prone to developing cancer than the right breast. Scientists are unsure why.

                                   Ways to spread awareness 

  1.    You can get involved by offering to volunteer, or by starting your own awareness campaign in your community, but you don’t have to wait till October to launch your project. You can begin planning your event whenever you want with the help of many organizations dedicated to Breast Cancer research and Awareness campaigns. 

  2.    You can also enlist the help of your local church, PTA, or business organization to make your project successful and get others involved. For example, you can start by forming a committee to write a brief tip sheet on how people can stay healthy and reduce their risk of breast cancer. A tip sheet is generally no more than one page and lists important ideas and tips on a particular topic.                       

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dessert Dance Choices

You should choose Neverland because Neverland is about never getting older and I think this would be appropriate for a middle school dance. I think that we could have a cardboard cut out of a pirate ship and a jungle theme all over the place. Our photo booth could be of an aligator with its mouth open. I will try and bring a dessert to make this the best party ever!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 7, 2013

Welcome to Grand Slam where your can get all of your MLB scores from the day before!

Here are the scores from April 7, 2013 *credit to MLB at Bat app*

Look and try to find as many upsets as you can.